An arangetram(stage debut) is the first performance on stage in which the student presents a MARGAM( full repertoir of 7 to 8 dances in a special order). After this performance the teacher gives her permission to the dancer to perform by herself. After arangetram the student can continue to learn and develop herself in a more specific way, according to her own interests. A visit to India is highly recomandable in this stage.
Traditional Indian music and dance
In a lineage of gurus and generations, the art form has been passed by them. It is our duty as teachers and students to keep our particular styles in good shape and not pollute the essence of it. In this way the tradition stays alive. Sri Vinayaka dance school is lucky to have a good relationship with gurus in India to keep up the touch with the original sources.
Dance school Sri Vinayaka
My dance school Sri Vinayaka has guided many students to their stage debut. Five students of my school have performed their arangetram in India. On these very auspicious occasions they got the blessings of the old gurus who were present.